Information to be included in the annual reports submitted to the Director-General of Trade and Industry ("the Director") by a Schedule 3 facility subject to the Permit System can be divided into three areas :
Information about a facility as a whole :
the name of the facility, and the name of the owner, company or enterprise operating it, its precise location.
Information about each plant at the facility where the permitted activities took place :
its name, and the name of the owner, company or enterprise operating it, its precise location within the facility, including any building or structure number;
details of its main activities.
Information about each declared Schedule 3 chemical ( pdf format ):
chemical name, CAS registry number and structural formula;
quantities produced;
the purpose for which the chemical is produced.
Annual reports are required for activities which took place at the facility in the previous calendar year, the activities anticipated to be carried out in the following calendar year, and any additional activities planned during a year.